So, the exam season is approaching, and we are all getting goosebumps thinking about how we will be able to cover such a vast portion in just a day? Most exams usually have a day’s gap between each paper. That is why it is very…
Month: August 2020

Having Trouble Sleeping ??? READ THIS!
Sleeping well ??? I am sure I will get a lot of mixed answers. Many people face trouble falling asleep even though they are super tired and have been very productive during the day. Now, why does this happen? There are a lot of reasons….

12 Exam Paper presentation tips, You probably Did NOT know
I have heard so many students say things like,“Studying is very hard” ; “I am never going to understand this” ; “I am definitely failing this time” ; etc. But, eventually we all end up understanding everything and getting super ready for our exams. However,…

Steps to Follow, to Find the Career You Absolutely Love
Choosing the right career path is, quite similar to choosing the right life partner ? You are going to love both and, Both are going to stick with you, till your last breath. And just like finding the “right one” can be difficult and time-consuming,…

The NOT To-Do List of Quarantine
So, we’re stuck at home and don’t know what to do ? With anxiety and depression setting in, we NEED to PULL OURSELVES TOGETHER. But how do we do that? The lockdown/quarantine that ensued with the setting in of the COVID-19 virus is and has…