What’s up, Everyone!
I am an obsessive organizer and Type-A perfectionist.
I really think that some doctors would diagnose me with OCD (Obsessive Compulsory Disorder)
[Just Kidding ;)]
My hope is to get your life a little bit more organized through various tips, Do’s, and Don’t and a lot more fun, but useful stuff that I have implemented in my life to always be on the top of my game. So I’m going to be your newest go-to person when it comes to setting your life in order.
About by BLOG
I want to share all those things that would make you the best version of yourself!
So if you are a person that is struggling with organizing your day or you want to know how to be happier or a better human being, you are at the right place. And as it is rightly said, your ONLY competition is who you were yesterday and I am going to help you make today’s version of you better than yesterday’s one.
The things I would be focusing most on would be various ways to be productive, making the most efficient use of your time and resources, and all that revolves around productivity. But that being said, I also want to share my insights on life as a whole, how to manage your finances, your hobbies, and various related things.
About ME!

I am a 23-year-old Chartered Accountant and I live in India. Currently, I am working as a Management Trainee in the Metals and Mining Industry.
As a student and a professional, I have always been trying to achieve perfection in everything I do. And I think maybe that is why I am most passionate about helping people become more productive.
As C.S Lewis has said, “You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and CHANGE THE ENDING”.